Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Innovative Activity #5

Activity: Biography Poem

Target Participant Group: teenagers to elderly

Therapeutic Potential of Activity: self-expression, social interaction, boost self-concept, fine motor skills, self-reflection, listening skills, enhances creativity

Other Groups that may benefit: corrections, individuals with SCI, individuals recovering from a stroke, individuals who have long-term illnesses such as cancer, at-risk youth, elderly

Groups not appropriate for: younger children, individuals who are unable to verbally/cognitively express self (severe intellectual disabilities)

Activity Description: This is a great activity that can be used for a wide range of individuals with different ability levels! This may be a great activity for individuals to complete and then have a group sharing circle.

The poem is 11 lines long and does not ryhme. It is constructed according to the following general outline:

Line 1: First name only
Line 2: 4 traits that describe you
Line 3: Sibling of...
Line 4: Lover of...( 3 people/ideas/things)
Line 5: Who feels...(3 things)
Line 6: Who needs...(3 things)
Line 7: Who gives...(3 things)                                              
Line 8: Who fears...(3 things)
Line 9: Who would like to see...(3 things)
Line 10: Resident of...(name of city and state)
Line 11: Last name only

Here is an example of my biography poem:

Runner, happy, giver, self-motivated
Sibling of Katie Marie
Lover of peanut butter, dogs, fall weather
Who feels excited when weightlifting, happy when brushing my teeth, hopeful about the future
Who needs sunshine, love, my baby blankie
Who fears pain, hippos, having my feet tickled
Who would like to see kangaroos in the outback, less crime and hate in this world, the Olympics first hand
Resident of Brown Deer, Wisconsin

* You may add to this activity by having individuals mount their poem on colorful paper and decorate around the poem with pictures etc. They may also make a collage around the poem.

Resources needed: paper, writing utensils, possible computer/ assistive communication device, paper, scissors, glue, pictures for collage making

Best Leadership Style for Activity: This activity will most likely only need one facilitator, depending on the population you are working with. The facilitator should ensure that individuals are able to completely express their ideas and communicate their poem with the group if desired.

Activity Source: I did this activity when I was in grade school. I also have seen this activity used with a group at a nursing home with individuals recovering from strokes. This activity has very positive outcomes because it really helps to boost one's self-concept.

Activity Resources: Additional templates and examples of biography poems and other poetry can be found online.

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